Overcoming Betrayal: How to Rebuild a Relationship After Cheating

pictures of a romantic couple reconnecting through slow dancing. Can a relationship recover from cheating? Here's what you need to know

Can a relationship be saved after cheating? Yes! If the cheating was a wake-up call and made the cheater realize what he/she was about to lose. No! If the couple is incompatible and the straying only confirmed it.

"Sometimes Two People Have To Fall Apart, To Realize How Much They Need To Fall back Together." -source-unknown

This captivating story of Jamey and Gerald answers best:

How can a relationship go back to normal after cheating?

Who have been together for more then sixteen years, but lately they've been drifting apart; answers it best.

Instead becoming closer as most would expect. Considering so the many years spent together.

They ironically; seemed to have lesser in common; as the days progess into weeks, months and years.

With this came relationship suicidal excuses to cheat.

Thanks to the indifference and frequent arguments, that seem to justify the reasons to seek external validation.

Deepdown; Jamey felt as though her best friend was leaving her.

I made her feel brutally rejected, lonely and confused about their future together as a couple.

Which is funny; assuming the fact that she was the first one who slept with a colleague.

This drove the dagger deeper in Gerald's heart, made a trench between their hearts and seperated it.

Extremely Weak:

In the mist of confusion; Jamey makes a definite decision to express her deepest regrets, truths, vulnerabilities and fear to lose Gerald.

She courageously express her raw emotions to him and shakily ask if he was still happy in our union.

Fearing the worst possible answer:

As she nervously play with the heart pendant; of the thin gold necklace. She received from him; as another dutiful anniversary gift.

Silence fills the room like mist on a cold Winter's morning. He can barely keep eye contact; as his lips finally move; in slow motion

Gerald finally opened his mouth and slowly mumbled:

"I never felt so alone in my entire life...I guess I didn't realized: The worst form of loneliness; is to sleep next to someone and still feel so alone.

He seemed to be somehow puzzled and taken by the suddenness to of her positive approach.

"The Broken Will Always Love Harder Than Most. Once, You've Been In The Dark, You Learn To Appreciate Everything That Shines." -source-unknown

Considering her past stubborn and indifferent attitude towards him.

For some miraculous reason it was easier to talk to her. In not time; Gerald and Jamey started talking heartily.

This simple change opened many doors.

A particular one is that they began spending more time together, doing the activities they both find enjoyable.

Slowly But Surely They Reconnected Emotionally And Re-establishing A Bond:

As Gerald and Jamey were discussing further details of their burdensome relationship one evening.

I'm so glad I decided to swallow my pride and submissively admitted my true feelings.

Jamey exclaimed: "We seem to be returning to our former selves at last.

"Me too," Gerald agred with a genuine smile. I'm appreciate your decision to share your vulnerability with me.

The Love Story of Jamey and Gerald:

Serves as a reminder to us married folks. It's generally difficult to keep the romantic candles burning.

Amidst financial difficulties, shared responsibilities and the day-to-day struggles of running a family.

It's never too late to start dating again, or at least treat each other like the first time we met.

We usually have a lot to prove in the beginning and somehow put in extra effort to make a good impression.

The mindset is different; because we're still vulnerable and fear losing our significant others.

As soon as we get married and move into together. Love, respect and romance; seem to go on holiday.

The first and hardest thing to do if you're feeling distant: Is to express your true feelings to your partner.

Be open-minded, truthful, and willing to show vulnerability.

You can reestablish your connection and reignite the flame with a little work.

Here are some further suggestions for reestablishing a relationship:

  • Spend meaningful time together by putting your phones and other distractions away and being fully present with one another.
  • Take walks, go on dates, or simply cuddle up and chat.
  • Do activities that both of you will appreciate.
  • This will strengthen your bonds and make it easier for you to enjoy each other's company.
  • Play games, tart a lucrative business as a mutual project to tackle financial issues, go hiking, or try a new meal.
Open and honest communication is encouraged.

Discuss your thoughts, feelings, and needs. Be prepared to compromise and hear what your partner has to say.

Be understanding and patient.

Rebuilding a relationship requires therapeutic effort, time and patience. Don't count on things to transform immediately.

You can get back in touch with your partner and rediscover love if you're prepared to put in the work.