How long should you do no contact with a woman?

picture of a lonely woman standing with crossed arms; in a no contact agreement

The reasons for no contact are different in every relationship; thus the duration of each vary.

Likewise does the length of time you should do no contact with a woman; depends on the particular situation.

Here are Some Factors to Consider:
  • Why the relationship ended If the breakup was to settle things in a peaceful manner. You may break the silence quicker and shorten the no contact period.
  • On the other hand: If the breakup was abuse related, a bridge of trust, or dramatic. Which often involves pain, distrust and emotional trauma. It may in your best interest to take more time apart.
  • How long you were in the relationship? If you were together for only a few months. You may stretch the no contact for a few weeks or a month; depending on the situation.
  • However; if your time together is a years? You may want to give it two to three months; in some cases more time is needed.
  • Your communication and attachment style: If you're clingy, emotional needy, extremely jealous, or suffer from a bad temper. You may need to do no contact for a longer period of time; and seek professional help.
  • Your ex partners character and communication style: If your ex is overly dependent, overbearing or conflicted. You may need to set clear boundaries and drive your disapproval home; by extending the no contact for a longer period.
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Generally speaking, the most suitable period for no contact is at least a month.

This a good cooling off period and gives both of you time to reflect on the dynamics of the relationship.

After a month you can gradually reach out and takes things Step-by-Step.

Start slowly, don't rush and monitor the situation as it goes on.

You don't want to find yourself back to square one; that's why it's important to take things slow.

Here Are Some Tips For Doing No Contact:

  1. Delete your ex partner's phone number, or social media accounts.
  2. Try your best to avoid places where you know you will bump into your ex lover.
  3. Focus on yourself by learning a new skill, improving and your own happiness.
  4. Social with friends; but not mutual friends. Who may remind you of your ex, or family.
  5. Adopt a new hobbies or participate in activities. Invest in upgrading your skills, or even join a gym.

Think of no contact as an opportunity to gather your thoughts, find yourself, or focus on self- betterment.

There are many online resources available to assist you get through the process.

You can even talk to a therapist or consult counselor.

Perhaps even join a support group of like-minded people; going through breakups.

It's therefore important to understand that there's no one-size-fits-all answer; to how long you should do no contact.

The best thing to do is consider; whether you're in a healthy or unhealthy relationship.

  • Is it a one-sided affair?
  • Does it fulfill both of your needs?
  • Is it growing forward or slowly dying back?

Withdraw to a private area where you can clearly decided; if a no contact solution would be best.

Listen to your gut feeling and do what's best for both of you.

Talk about it and clearly state your reasons and why you think no contact would be the best way forward.